Canal de Denúncias - Magna Reporting channel
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Data Policy

The privacy of those who access our website is important to us, and we are committed to offering maximum security, however, it is worth highlighting that no matter how updated the resources are, there is no guarantee that they are infallible.

Therefore, for your greater security, we suggest installing antivirus and firewall, as well as their updates. Our website uses cookies. A cookie is nothing more than a small text file, sent by the Órbita website to your browser and stored by it.

Cookies are used to improve the browsing experience on our website, when accepted by the security level configured by you in your browser. The purpose of applying cookies to our website is to identify browsing trends, seeking to improve and personalize access to pages visited and links clicked.

Additionally, cookies do not typically involve any data that personally identifies anyone, but personal information that we store may be associated with information deposited in and obtained from cookies. The data used is to run programs, much less infect your computer with viruses or malicious programs.

MAGNA uses cookies to:
- Provide a more personalized website, remembering your preferences;
- Remember information about you, eliminating the need to request it again;
- Analyze how you access our website.

Discover the different types of cookies we use:
Strictly necessary cookies: enable you to use the MAGNA website and essential resources. They do not store any information about you that can be used in communication actions or to remember the pages visited on the website.

Functional cookies:
It helps us to personalize MAGNA according to your preferences and settings.

Performance cookies:
help us make sure the website is working well and correct any errors. It also makes it possible to test different ideas.

Targeting cookies:
associated with services provided by third parties (social media, for example), included on other websites that are not MAGNA. Based on information about your visit, we offer advertising based on your profile.

If cookies are blocked by you, it will have a negative impact on the usability of the website. If cookies are blocked, you will not be able to use all of the site's features. To opt out, access your browser’s “options” or “preferences” and to find out more, check your browser’s help options.

We use cookies to personalize and improve your experience on our website. By continuing to browse, you agree to our Data Policy.

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2021 - 2024 - Developer by O.R.B.360

We use cookies to guarantee you the best experience on our website. If you continue browsing without changing your settings, we assume you accept this practice. If you wish, you can change your cookie settings at any time. know more CLICK HERE